Acta Veterinaria Eurasia

Some preventive methods for mycotoxins IL Chemical and biological methods


İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilİm Dalı, Avcılar, İstanbut-TÜRKİYE

Acta Vet Eurasia 2009; 35: 19-30
Read: 996 Downloads: 682 Published: 22 December 2019

Besides physical methods, the useful and effective chemical and biological strategies arc also needed in the prevention o f negative effects o f mycotoxins on human health and animal performance. Application o f ammonia, ozone and adsorbents, and microbial inactivation arc some o f these detoxification methods.

EISSN 2619-905X