Acta Veterinaria Eurasia

The content of the INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS page can be viewed as a PDF from here.

For comprehensive information regarding the Acta Veterinaria Eurasia (Acta Vet Eurasia) policies on submission, peer-review, publication, and ethical standards, kindly visit the Policies page. Similarly, for detailed information about the journal, please visit the About page.

It is strongly advised to review the journal's policies before submitting any manuscript to ensure compliance with the journal's guidelines. 

If you would like to conduct an eligibility check before uploading your article to the journal, you can use the Pre-Submission Check tool. This tool helps you identify and correct any deficiencies in your article.

Manuscripts submitted to Acta Vet Eurasia for evaluation should be original and not previously presented or published in any electronic or print medium. If a manuscript was previously presented at a conference or meeting, authors should provide detailed information about the event, including the name, date, and location of the organization.

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated in May 2023). 

Authors are required to prepare manuscripts in accordance with the relevant guideline listed below:

•    Randomized research studies and clinical trials: CONSORT guidelines (for protocols, please see the SPIRIT guidance)
•    Observational original research studies: STROBE guidelines 
•    Studies on diagnostic accuracy: STARD guidelines
•    Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: PRISMA guidelines (for protocols, please see the PRISMA-P guidelines)
•    Experimental animal studies: ARRIVE guidelines and Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition
•    Nonrandomized evaluations of behavioral and public health interventions: TREND guidelines
•    Case report: the CARE case report guidelines
•    Genetic association studies: STREGA
•    Qualitative research: SRQR guidelines

To find the right guideline for your research, please complete the questionnaire by Equator Network here.

The style of manuscripts should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition (2020).

Manuscripts can only be submitted through the journal’s online manuscript submission and evaluation system. Manuscripts submitted via any other medium and submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be evaluated.

In addition to the manuscript files, authors are required to submit the following during the initial submission:

· Copyright Agreement and Acknowledgement of Authorship Form, and
· ICMJE Disclosure Form (should be filled in by all contributing authors).

Preparation of the Manuscript
Title page: A separate title page should be submitted with all submissions and this page should include:
•    The full title of the manuscript as well as a short title (running head) of no more than 50 characters,
•    Name(s), affiliations, academic degree(s), and ORCID IDs of the author(s),
•    Funding information and detailed information on the other sources of support,
•    Name, address, telephone (including the mobile phone number), and email address of the corresponding author,
•    Acknowledgment of the individuals who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript but who do not fulfill the authorship criteria.
•    If the author(s) is a member of the journal’s Editorial Board, this should be specified in the title page.

Abstract: An English abstract should be submitted with all types of articles except for Letters to the Editor. The Abstract section of all submissions should be unstructured. For research articles, the abstract should not exceed 350 words; for reviews, it should not exceed 250 words; and for case reports and short communications, it should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should not include references, citations to figures and tables, and there should be no undefined abbreviations.

Keywords: Each submission must be accompanied by a minimum of three to a maximum of six keywords for subject indexing at the end of the abstract. The keywords should be listed in full without abbreviations. The keywords should be selected from the National Library of Medicine, Medical Subject Headings database (
If not possible, use your own keywords.

Introduction: This is the section where the background is given. The introduction should contain information about the topic and reflect the content of the study. In this section, results of previous studies in the field and the references are linked to the aim and importance of the study. The aim of the study should be clearly indicated at the end of the “Introduction” section. 
Materials and Methods: Materials and methods used within the article, analysis conducted and the statistical methods used should be given in detail referring to appropriate references. Methods that have been published previously and well accepted can be briefly described specified by reference.
Results: Data obtained in the studies should be presented as brief, appropriate and clear. This section should not contain the results of other studies. Repetition of the tables and figures should be avoided, important points should be emphasized and there should be no unnecessary repetitions. Statistical evaluations of the results should be indicated.
Discussion: In this section the results of the study are evaluated, compared with the references and discussed; results are interpreted and concluded. “Results” and “Discussion” sections may be combined, if desired. In the review articles, instead of a discussion section, there should be a conclusion section following the introduction section where an interpretation takes place relevant to the case explicated.
Conclusion: Authors gives a brief conclusion about their study.
Acknowledgements: In this section, authors may give any additional information and acknowledge the supporting institutions and persons that have made a contribution.
Ethics Committee Approval: It is important for authors to indicate the date and number of the approval received from the ethical committee. If the study does not require an ethics committee approval, authors should provide a reason for it (For example; Our study did not involve any invasive procedures on animals, therefore an ethics committee approval is unnecessary.)
Author Contributions: we require corresponding authors to provide co-author contributions to the manuscript using the relevant CRediT roles. The roles are: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Software; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Roles/Writing - original draft; and Writing - review & editing. Note that not all roles may apply to every manuscript, and authors may have contributed through multiple roles.
Declaration of Interests: All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work.
Funding: The author(s) should provide the funding information. 

"What is already known on this topic?" and "What this study adds on this topic?": All submissions except Letters to the Editor should include 1 to 3 points to address the questions of "What is already known on this topic?" and "What does this study add on this topic?". In addition to emphasizing the most important results and main message of the manuscript, these main points can also provide answers to the questions of the study. This is important to help ensure that the most important findings and messages of a study are conveyed clearly to the reader. These points should not only emphasize the most important results and main message of the manuscript but also be structured as a list and written in plain language that is easy to understand for experts and specialists in the field.

Manuscript Types
Research Articles: Research Articles provide new information based on original research will be considered. The acceptance of research articles is typically based on the originality and importance of the research. The main text of a Research Article basically contains with subheadings, including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Results and discussion can be combined if the authors would prefer.

Reporting Statistical Analysis 
Statistical analysis to support results is usually necessary. Statistical analyses must be conducted in accordance with international statistical reporting standards (Altman DG, Gore SM, Gardner MJ, Pocock SJ. Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals. Br Med J 1983: 7; 1489-93). Information on statistical analyses should be provided with a separate subheading under the Materials and Methods section and the statistical software that was used during the process must be specified.

When reporting statistical data in a research paper, it is important to present the values in a clear and consistent manner. P values, confidence intervals (CIs), and other statistical measures should be rounded appropriately and expressed according to the guidelines provided. For example, P values should be expressed to two digits to the right of the decimal point unless the first two digits are zeros, in which case three digits should be provided (eg, instead of P < .01, report as P = .002). However, values close to .05 may be reported to three decimal places because .05 is an arbitrary cut-off point for statistical significance (eg,  P = .053). P values less than .001 should be designated as P < .001 rather than providing the exact value (eg, P = .000006). 

Units should be prepared in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

Review Articles: Reviews prepared by authors who have experience knowledge in a particular field and possess a strong scientific background with a significant number of publications and high citation potential are welcomed. The journal considers both "Invited reviews" and review articles submitted by experts and experienced researchers. In instances where authors submit review articles, it is expected that the first author and the corresponding author have a minimum of ten research articles published in journals indexed by SCI and SCI-expanded. Moreover, for the pertinent field, the first author is required to have authored 5 publications, while the last author should have authored 10 publications. Furthermore, all authors contributing to the review article are expected to hold a PhD degree.

Review articles should comprehensively describe, discuss, and evaluate the current state of knowledge in a specific topic within the field of all veterinary topics. The main text of review articles should begin with an Introduction section and conclude with a Conclusion section. The other sections can be named according to the relevance and essence of the topic.

For short reviews, they will be considered as "Mini Review." However, the publication of Mini Reviews will be subject to evaluation by the editorial board, taking into account the emergency and importance of the subject in relation to veterinary field and topics.

All review articles should contain small number of old but mainly new references.

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
In the 'Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis' category, we welcome submissions rigorously synthesizing and analyzing existing research in specific fields. Authors are encouraged to adopt a structured approach to collect, assess, and systematically examine pertinent studies, providing a comprehensive overview of current knowledge. These articles often include meta-analyses, where quantitative data from multiple studies are statistically combined for meaningful insights. These contributions support evidence-based decision-making and deepen understanding of intricate subjects by offering a consolidated perspective on a specific research topic. Systematic reviews should adhere to PRISMA reporting guidelines, including research questions, search strategy, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and analysis plan details. Additionally, manuscripts should include subheadings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Case Reports: The journal has limited space for case reports, and prioritizes publishing reports on rare cases or challenging conditions that provide new insights into diagnosis and treatment, offer novel therapies, or reveal knowledge not yet included in the literature. Interesting and educational case reports are also welcomed for publication. The text of a case report should include Introduction, Case Presentation, and Discussion subheadings. An unstructured abstract should also be included.

Letters to the Editor: A "Letter to the Editor" is a type of manuscript that discusses important or overlooked aspects of a previously published article. This type of manuscript may also present articles on subjects within the scope of the journal that are of interest to readers, particularly educational cases. Readers can also use the "Letter to the Editor" format to share their comments on published manuscripts. The text of a "Letter to the Editor" should be unstructured and should not include an abstract, keywords, tables, figures, images, or other media. The manuscript that is being commented on must be properly cited within the "Letter to the Editor."

Short Communications: Short Communications are brief, focused articles that present new, innovative scientific research. These articles should be written in the same format as a full-length original research article, with sections for Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. 

Tables should be included in the main document, after the reference list, and they should be numbered consecutively in the order they are referred to within the text. Each table should have a descriptive title placed above it, and any abbreviations used in the table should be defined below the table by footnotes (even if they are defined in the main text). Tables should be created using the "insert table" command of the Word processing software, and they should be arranged clearly to make the data easy to read and understand. The data presented in the tables should not be a repetition of the data presented in the main text, but should support and enhance the main text.

Figures and Figure Legends
Figures should be submitted as separate files in TIFF or JPEG format, and they should not be embedded in the Word document or the main manuscript file. If a figure has subunits, each subunit should be submitted as a separate file, and the subunits should not be merged into a single image. The figures should not be labeled (a, b, c, etc.) to indicate subunits. Instead, the figure legend should be used to describe the different parts of the figure. Thick and thin arrows, arrowheads, stars, asterisks, and similar marks can be used on the images to support figure legends. Images should be anonymized to remove any information that may identify individuals or institutions. The minimum resolution of each figure should be 300 DPI, and the figures should be clear and easy to read. Figure legends should be listed at the end of the main document. Figures should be referred to within the main text, numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned. 

All acronyms and abbreviations used in the manuscript should be defined at first use, both in the abstract and in the main text. The abbreviation should be provided in parentheses following the definition, and it should be used consistently throughout the paper.

Identifying products
When mentioning a drug, product, hardware, or software program in a manuscript, it is important to provide detailed information about the product in parentheses. This should include the name of the product, the producer of the product, and the city and country of the company. For example, if mentioning a Discovery St PET/CT scanner produced by General Electric in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, the information should be presented in the following format: "Discovery St PET/CT scanner (General Electric, Milwaukee, WI, USA)." Providing this information helps to ensure that the product is properly identified and credited.

Supplementary Materials
Supplementary materials, including audio files, videos, datasets, and additional documents (e.g., appendices, additional figures, tables), are intended to complement the main text of the manuscript. These supplementary materials should be submitted as a separate section after the references list. Concise descriptions of each supplementary material should be included to explain their relevance to the manuscript. Page numbers are not required for supplementary materials.

Both in-text citations and the references must be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition (2020).

When citing publications, preference should be given to the latest, most up-to-date sources. Citing the latest sources can help to ensure that the paper is relevant and timely, and that it reflects the latest developments in the field.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the accuracy of the references in their article. All sources must be properly cited, and the citations must be formatted correctly.

To avoid plagiarism, it is necessary to acknowledge other sources in the manuscript through in-text citations. For every in-text citation, a corresponding reference list entry must be provided.

The APA in-text citation style includes the author's last name and the year of publication, such as (Field, 2005). If quoting directly from a source, the page number should also be added, such as (Field, 2005, p. 14).

If an ahead-of-print publication is cited, the DOI number should be provided in the reference list.

The reference styles for different types of publications are presented in the following examples.

Journal Article: Edwards, A. A., Steacy, L. M., Siegelman, N., Rigobon, V. M., Kearns, D. M., Rueckl, J. G., & Compton, D. L. (2022). Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242–1256. 

Book Section: Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mindbody health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.

Books with a Single Author: Haslwanter, T. (2022). An introduction to statistics with Python. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.

Editor(s) as Author: Rhodewalt, F. (Ed.). (2008). Personality and social behavior. Psychology Press. 

Thesis: Valentin, E. R. (2019, Summer). Narcissism predicted by Snapchat selfie sharing, filter usage, and editing [Master's thesis, California State University Dominguez Hills]. CSU ScholarWorks.

Websites: Chandler, N. (2020, April 9). What’s the difference between Sasquatch and Bigfoot? howstuffworks. 

Epub Ahead of Print Articles: Muldoon, K., Towse, J., Simms, V., Perra, O., & Menzies, V. (2012). A longitudinal analysis of estimation, counting skills, and mathematical ability across the first school year. Developmental Psychology. Epub ahead of print. doi:10.1037/a0028240.

In the seventh edition, up to 20 authors should now be included in a reference list entry. For sources with more than 20 authors, after the 19th listed author, any additional authors' names are replaced with an ellipsis (…) followed by the final listed author's name: 

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D., Author, E. E., Author, F. F., Author, G. G., Author, H. H., Author, I. I., Author, J. J., Author, K. K., Author, L. L., Author, M. M., Author, N. N., Author, O. O., Author, P. P., Author, Q. Q., Author, R. R., Author, S. S., . . . Author, Z. Z.

Production Processes

Language Editing
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the language editing service of Acta Veterinaria Eurasia is provided by AVES to ensure that it is clear and well-written. This process may involve correcting grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors, as well as making changes to improve the overall clarity and readability of the manuscript.

Proof Production
After the copy-editing process is complete, the manuscript is published online as an "ahead-of-print" publication, which means that it is available to readers before it is included in a scheduled issue of the journal. This allows readers to access the latest research as soon as it becomes available.

When the PDF of the article is generated, the corresponding author will receive an email with a link to our online proofing system. With that email, the author can make corrections to the article.

The corresponding author is asked to review the proof and approve it for publication within a specified time period, typically two days. 

Web-based proofing provides a faster and more accurate process by allowing you to type your corrections directly, eliminating the potential introduction of errors. Please use this proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness, and correctness of the text, tables, and figures. Since the article is in the pre-publication process, significant changes will only be implemented with the editorial decision.


EISSN 2619-905X