Acta Veterinaria Eurasia
Research Article

Studies on some Physİcal, Chemical, Organolcptic and Microbiological Properties of Sausagcs Consumed in Kahramanmaraş


Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, Kahramanmaraş


Istanbul University Veterinary Faculty Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, 34320 Avcilar Istanbul

Acta Vet Eurasia 2005; 31: 55-65
Read: 976 Downloads: 631 Published: 26 December 2019

Tlıis study was carried out to determine some Physical, Chemical, Organolcptic and Microbiological properties of 60 sausages consumed in Kahramanmaraş. In thc analyses of some chemical and physical properties of thc samples. thc values of moisture. salt. protein, ash. fat contenls were found to be 103-30.71 %. 2.30-5.23 %. 20.6-25.12 %, 3.4-12.3 %. 30.30-49.80 %, respeclively. The value of pH was found to be 4.76-5.75. In qııaliuıtive analyses of ali of thc samples nitrite is dcıectcd bul nitrate is not deteeted. İn addition. putrefaction is not deteeted in ali the samples. As a result of orsanoleptic analyses 15r /c of samples were determined to be in the fırst elass. 30^- in the second elass. 35*^ ın thc third elass and thc oihcr 20 7c did not enter the preseni elassification As regards thc microbiological properties. the presence of total aerobic mesofilic bactcria. mould and yeasts. lotal coliform bactcria. proıeolytic bacteria. Escherichia coli, Sıaphylococcııs mıreııs koagulase negative. Sahnoııella sp.. Vibrio parahaemolylivus and Vibrio cholerae were studıed. The averagc count of Toıal aerobic mesophilic bacteria. yeast and moulds, total coliform bacteria. proteolyıic bacteria vvere found to be 3.2xl0: cfu/g. 7xl0, cfu/g, 244 MPN/ml. i.5x107 cfu/g, respeetively. From 60 sausage samples in 9 samples E. coli. in 4 samples koagulase negative S. aureus. in 1 sample Satımnıella sp., inlO samples endospore forming bactcria, in 1 sample V. parahaemolylivus and in 1 sample V. cholerae was deteeted.

EISSN 2619-905X