A two-year-old female green iguana (imported from San Salvador), which was brought due to complaints of macroscopic parasite presence in its stool, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness, was subject to fecal examination. Proglottids were seen macroscopically and by crushing proglottids cyclophyllid cestode (probably Oochoristica iguanae) eggs (spherical to ovoid in shape, 55-65 um in dimension, having oncosphere with 6 large hooks, oncosphere 40-45 um in diameter) were detected microscopically. Stool was also examined by saturated salt water flotation and numerous oxyurid nematode (probably Alaeuris and/or Ozolaimus species) eggs (165-180 x 75-85 Um in dimensions, slightly asymmetrical, and unlarvated) were seen. The iguana was treated with a combination of praziquantel (5 mg/kg), pyrantel embonate (14.4 mg/kg) and febantel (15 mg/kg) (Drontal® Plus tablet, Bayer). After two weeks, a few nematode eggs and no cestode eggs/progolottids were observed on fecal examination and the treatment was repeated. Two weeks after the second treatment, no nematode eggs and no cestode eggs/proglottids were observed on fecal examination. The health condition of the animal improved.