Acta Veterinaria Eurasia
Original Article

Diseases and Mortality Incidences of Calves Born from Imported Brown Swiss and Simmental Heifers in Western Anatolian Conditions#


Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Saruhanlı District Agriculture Directorate, Manisa, Turkey


Department of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey

Acta Vet Eurasia 2019; 45: 50-55
DOI: 10.26650/actavet.2019.18020
Read: 1621 Downloads: 876 Published: 01 May 2019

The purpose of this study was to find thedisease and mortality incidences of calves born from pregnant Brown Swiss andSimmental heifers imported from Austria in newly established dairy cattle farmin Manisa province and determine the effect of breed, sex, calving type andcalving position on calf health. The study material consisted of the 180-dayshealth records of 62 Brown Swiss and 266 Simmental calves born alive from thepregnant Brown Swiss and Simmental heifers imported from Innsbruck Austria. Thefirst calving of heifers was between June and December. Calves’ mortality ratesin 180-days period were 3.23% for Brown Swiss and 4.89% for Simmentals; 5.39%for males and 3.73% for females; 3.14% for assisted born, 9.38% for difficultborn and 3.81% for spontaneous born calves. Calves’ most common health problemswere digestion, respiratory and foot diseases. It was found that calvingposition had a significant effect on digestion problems and dystociacomplications. Treatment was more successful in Brown Swiss, female, twin andspontaneous born calves. 

Cite this article as: Küçük Baykan, Z.,Özcan, M., 2019. Diseases and Mortality Incidences of Calves Born from ImportedBrown Swiss and Simmental Heifers in Western Anatolian Conditions. 

EISSN 2619-905X