Leptospiras could not be demonstrated by dark-field microscopy or cultured with EMJH medium in the kidney tissue samples of 96 slaughtered cattle in Trakya district. In the matches blood sera and the blood sera of % cattle raised in different farms located in four provinces (Istanbul. Edirne. Kırklareli and Tekirdağ) of the district, seven (3.65%) were determined to be positive by MAT. Antibodies to serovar hardjo and grippatyphasa were detected in six (85.7%) and in one (14.3%) of seven sera, respectively. In ELISA. 12 (6.25%) of 192 sera were found to have antibodies. Antibody prevalences in these 12 sera to serovar hardjo and grippoiyphosa were determined as 10 (83.3%) and two (16.7%). respectively. Antibodies to the other serovars used in the study were not found in the both tests. The sensitivity and specificity of ELISA were calculated to be 85.7% and 96.8%. respectively when MAT was considered as a reference test. The seroprevalence of the infection was higher in females than in males by the both tests while in ELISA the difference by sex was found Statistically significant (p<0.05). The highest prevalence was found in the city of Edime. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05). between Edirne and Tekirdağ. Istanbul were found by the both tests.