İn this study, congenital flexııre of fetlock. wfakh is a congenital malformation and mild form of arthrogryposis was prcsented in a 7 dav old. male. Holstein calf. The calf with an abnormality in thc rear limbs was presented to the dcpartmcnt of Surgery of our Paculty. The clinical and radiological examinations revealed hypereıaension and rigidity in the fetlock. Euthanasia wts performed due to the ineffıciency of one-week-long bandage application and the progressive deterioration of the patient's general condilion. At necropsy, in addition to the hyperex(ension and rigidity in the fetlock. gross lesions were observed in the lungs and lymph nodes of mediastinum. Histopathologicai examination revealed tendinous atrophy, and metaplasia to fıbrous and lipoid tissues in the flexor tendon. Also interstitial and purulenı pneumonia in lungs and lymphadenitis simplex in lymph nodes of mediastinum were observed.